Personal Development

Insights Discovery

What is an Insights Personality Test?.

In the world of personal and professional development, understanding oneself and others is essential to building better relationships, improving communication, and fostering teamwork.

One of the most effective tools used for this purpose is the Insights Discovery Personality Profile. This assessment has gained popularity in organisations and personal development circles for its simplicity, accuracy, and focus on personal growth and team development.

Is it a test?.

Although frequently referred to as such, the Insights Discovery system is not a test. There are no right or wrong answers or better or worse personality types. The system sets out to describe personality preferences and offer a suggestion (often surprisingly accurate) of how an individual might behave and be seen by others.

The Origins and Foundation of the Insights system.

Insights Discovery is rooted in Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. Jung’s work focuses on how individuals perceive the world and interact with their environment. His theory led him to believe that personality is a construct of three pairs of preferences and all humans exists somewhere on the continuum of each. You can read more about this here.

Alongside what could be a 46-page report, Insights uses a colour energy-based model to represent the four main personality types, making it easy for individuals to grasp and apply in their daily lives. This visual and approachable format is what makes Insights so effective in various settings, from corporate environments to personal development.

The Four Colour Energies.

The premise of the four colour energies is that each individual has and can use each, but typically we gravitate to one which is our ‘most’, or that we find the most comfortable to use. We then will have a sliding scale of ease as we order the colours.

Fiery Red Energy.

Individuals who lean towards Fiery Red energy are typically action-oriented, bold and focused on results. They prefer to take control of situations, enjoy challenges, and tend to make decisions quickly. In professional settings, they are often seen as change agents who like to drive progress and get things done.

Sunshine Yellow Energy.

People with a high degree of Sunshine Yellow energy are usually outgoing, sociable, and enthusiastic. They are highly optimistic, thrive in social situations, and prefer to work in environments that are collaborative and lively. They bring energy to teams and enjoy building relationships and motivating others.

Earth Green Energy.

Earth Green types are calm, supportive, and empathetic. They prioritise harmony in relationships and prefer environments where people feel valued and respected. These individuals are great listeners and are often seen as reliable, trustworthy, and patient, making them great at building meaningful, long-term relationships.

Cool Blue Energy.

Those with dominant Cool Blue energy are analytical, detailed, and thoughtful. They prefer structure and organisation, enjoy working with facts and data, and often take time to make well-informed decisions. They bring precision and logical thinking to the table and excel in situations where careful planning and attention to detail are required.

How the Insights Discovery System Works.

The Insights Discovery profile is designed to be simple and user-friendly. Participants are asked to complete a questionnaire, consisting of a series of word pairings that relate to behaviour in a working environment.

Based on their responses, individuals receive a detailed profile describing their personal style in many different situations.

The profile provides insights into several aspects of an individual’s personality, including:

  • Personal style
  • Decision-making preferences
  • Communication style
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Preferred working environment
  • Motivators and stressors
  • Blind spots
  • Management style

You can read more about the profile here

The report not only helps individuals understand their own behaviour but also offers strategies for interacting with others more effectively.

Practical Applications of the Insights Discovery model.

The simplicity and versatility of the Insights Discovery model make it applicable in a wide range of contexts:

1. Teams.

In corporate settings, the memorable colour energy model and personal profiles help managers and employees better understand team dynamics, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. For instance, a colleague who leads with Cool Blue energy might learn to appreciate the need to give more immediate answers and direction to a colleague who leads with Fiery Red energy, leading to a more productive and way of working.

2. Leadership Development.

The model is often used in leadership training, allowing leaders to recognise their natural tendencies and adjust their style to better lead diverse teams. For example, a leader with dominant Earth Green energy might realise the need to adopt a more assertive approach in specific situations.

3. Personal Growth.

On a personal level, the Insights Personality profile can help individuals raise self-awareness and identify areas for self-improvement, better manage stress, and foster healthier relationships by becoming more aware of their own tendencies and those of others.

4. Communication Skills.

One of the greatest strengths of the Insights model is its focus on communication. By understanding the preferred communication styles of others, individuals can tailor their approach to communicate more effectively.

Final Thoughts.

Why complete a profile?

The Insights Discovery Personality profile is an excellent tool for those looking to improve self-awareness, encourage better relationships, and enhance teamwork. The colour-coded, easy-to-understand approach provides practical insights that individuals and teams can use to improve communication, resolve conflict, and boost productivity.

Whether you are looking to develop leadership skills, strengthen team dynamics, or simply gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, the Insights Discovery model can provide valuable guidance on your journey toward personal and professional growth.

request a sample profile here

Our areas of specialism.


  • Self-awareness

  • Resilience

  • Personal Development

  • Change

  • Decision making

  • Growth mindset

Team development.

  • Hybrid team working

  • Communication

  • Meetings

  • Feedback

  • Collaboration

  • Trust

Leadership development.

  • Leadership styles

  • Psychological safety

  • Leading change

  • Mission, vision, values

  • Culture

  • Mentoring