23 December 2024
Read Time: 6 minutes
02 March 2022
Team Development
Leadership and Management Development
Insights Discovery
Delivering, actioning, and managing behavioural feedback in organisations remains one of the greatest challenges for businesses today.
So why not help your people out and use the non-confrontational language of Insights Discovery to give them a safe platform to openly discuss challenging subjects?
About the DFC 360 tool
DFC is a simple, accessible 360 tool that builds on the Insights Discovery Personal Profile, enabling teams and leaders to take the next step in personal development.
It uses the language of Insights Discovery and archetypes of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to gather feedback from peers, managers and customers which will give the recipient a much clearer picture of how they show up to others. If managed properly, the benefits of deepening self-awareness stretch far beyond simply recognising and fixing blind spots in order to be more effective.
DFC isn’t a test, and doesn’t measure skill, capability or competency – it focuses on behaviour and perception and creates a foundation for great conversations.
By receiving feedback from others, individuals are given a unique chance to explore their strengths and weaknesses, and the impact these have on their working relationships and team endeavours. When coupled with coaching or built into a team workshop, this information can support an effective personal development strategy.
Before diving in with DFC the recipient needs to have received a Discovery profile and understand the colour energies. This vital next step in development is for people who want to develop further, teams who want to accelerate performance, rising talent gearing up for management and leadership roles, and established leaders who want to improve their current style and build trust and understanding across the business.
How DFC works
The DFC report uses the original data collected from the Discovery personal profile evaluator to form part of the narrative and perception between respondents (those giving feedback) and recipient (those receiving feedback).
The recipient will be asked to carefully select a feedback group of up to twelve people. It’s important that these twelve people are varied in relation to the recipient. We also encourage people to ask those who they might find more challenging or want to build better relationships with – 360 feedback is great for raising self-awareness, but the action of using it back in the workplace has many more benefits which should be included in your strategy.
Once the feedback group has been established the recipient briefs the group and sets the scene of how to approach the questionnaire. DFC not only measures perception and gives recommendation between the behaviours, it also collects freeform text which plays a big part in bringing the report to life.
Members of the feedback group are then invited to submit their honest perceptions through the 25-frame online evaluator, and the system builds a picture of how the behaviours might interact and how the group might see one another’s strengths and weaknesses.
A learning guide supports the recipient’s learning journey and provides a place to capture actions as they fall out of conversations.
What's in the report?
The DFC report is packed full of insight. Here’s a breakdown of the chapters and information offered:
1. Recipients Self-Perception
This chapter summarises the recipient’s personal style based on the original data submitted through the Discovery evaluator. This chapter also helps the recipient bring the charts and graphs back to life as they will inform some of the perceptions as the recipients works through the report.
2. Feedback Group Perception
This is the aggregated perception from the Feedback Group. This feedback is not competency-based or fact, it’s an interesting way to look at the collective data and explore some preference-based conversation around ‘how I might show up’.
3. Feedback by Role
This chapter looks at the feedback collected by group (peer, manager, client, report) demonstrating trends in how the recipient might flex their colour energies given the audience.
4. Individual Feedback Review
This section provides a graphical and numerical comparison of the different colour perceptions from each member of the feedback group, along with the free form text.
5. The 'Team' Wheel
This page provides a comparison of perception represented on the Insights Discovery Wheel, including self-perception, the aggregated feedback group perception, and the individual feedback perceptions.
How DFC should, and shouldn't be used
We would never ask someone to complete a 360 feedback initiative without prepping, planning, supporting and following through. Not only is that a waste of the respondents’ and recipient’s time, but it can also be damaging to self-esteem and relationships.
As with all feedback initiatives, DFC should not be approached as a one-hit-wonder, it’s most effective when built into a programme and the wider cultural impact is considered.
In one-to-one coaching
The DFC report enriches the coaching conversation and helps coachees unearth, understand and action feedback in a personally meaningful way.
In a facilitated team workshop
During a team workshop that uses the DFC process, colleagues engage in coaching conversations that build deep trust and embed accountability. It’s also useful to have peers that can offer mentoring around the feedback because they have a greater understanding of the personalities involved. During this type of workshop, you can also lean on team commitments and how the team is collectively seen in the business.
Follow through
Whichever environment you use to deliver the DFC feedback, each respondent should attend a one to one with the recipient to close the loop. With the newly found coaching skills of the recipient and their ability to listen, this one to one will allow the respondent and recipient to connect, relate to and bring to life the feedback, thereby spreading the learning and experience more widely across the business than just the one person or team.
Overall benefits
- Continues the learning journey and further embeds the language of Discovery
- Provides individuals with a fresh insight into themselves and their impact on others
- Practical tool for improving and optimising relationships with others
- It provides a non-threatening and positive framework for discussing personal and team development
- The recipient gains an understanding of how their behaviour is perceived by respondents, including admired aspects as well as development areas
- They will be able to define and action a development plan to quickly make their behaviour more effective
- Underpins the philosophy of a learning culture
- Breeds an attitude of openness, honesty and vulnerability
Reliability, validity and research
- Based on the work of Carl Jung and Jolande Jacobi, the Insights Discovery model of behaviour develops awareness of self and others that can enable practical improvements in the workplace and in relationships.
- The Insights Discovery model is registered with the British Psychological Society and carries their PTC mark of approval for use in work and occupational development. Its reliability coefficient, according to Cronbach's alpha is 0.91-0.93 out of a possible 1.
- The model has been developed after considerable research and testing, and Insights continues to conduct research to ensure that the models and solutions are continually verified and approved.
- The DFC builds on the 8 archetypes described by Jung and compares perception of the behaviours when both parties have completed a Discovery profile.
Our areas of specialism.
Personal Development
Decision making
Growth mindset
Team development.
Hybrid team working
Leadership development.
Leadership styles
Psychological safety
Leading change
Mission, vision, values